I'm Kai,
Web Developer|

My Projects

Image Generator

Create accounts, generate random images via Picsum's API and add them to your gallery!

Made with HTML Made with Tailwind CSS Made with Javascript

Netmatters Homepage

A clone of Netmatter's homepage, created for the Scion Coalition Scheme Bootcamp

Made with HTML Made with SCSS Made with Javascript

Shopping Cart

A shopping site that showcases the flow of adding and removing items from the cart

Made with React JS Made with Styled Components

Memory Card Game

Test your memory with this card game by uncovering new cards each round to advance.

Made with React JS Made with CSS

Math Castle

Defend your castle by solving math equations that halt the oncoming enemy troops.

Made with HTML Made with CSS Made with Javascript

Todo List

Create multiple lists to keep track of your tasks and stay organised

Made with HTML Made with CSS Made with Javascript

Get in Touch

Interested in discussing a job opportunity? I'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below, and let's connect.

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